
“O come, let us sing for joy to the LORD,
Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation.” Psalm 95:1


Junior Choir

Junior Choir is comprised of kids from Preschool through 6th grade. Practice is on Sunday mornings during Sunday School opening, two to three times prior to singing during the worship service, approximately four to five times per school year. Performances are during Sunday morning services for special music. 

During practice, students learn the meaning behind the music selections as well as basic singing technique.  Hopefully they will carry some of the songs with them into adulthood! All children are welcome to be a part of this amazing group! 

Mountain Movers

Mountain Movers is a musical group comprised of 7th through 12th graders in the congregation, along with any adults who would like to participate. This group practices various worship songs and skits to perform during church services and at events throughout the community. Mountain Movers meets once a week through the school year for about a half hour after church on Sunday mornings. They are always looking for new members to sing, play an instrument, or participate in drama and other fun activities. 

Senior Choir

The Senior Choir meets Wednesday evenings, during the months of September-May taking the month of January off, from 7-8 pm to prepare anthems for Sunday special music. During Lent practice is from 6:30-7:15 (between soup supper and Lenten service). Any age from 15-80 is welcome. There is no need to know how to read music-only the desire to spread the love of Jesus by song.

Worship and Music Committee

This Committee works with our pastor to plan special worship services, additions to the traditional worship service, and select hymns and worship music. It also coordinates with the organists for scheduling and organizes the schedule for special music with representatives from Senior choir, Junior choir, Mountain Movers, and other musicians.

Connect with us if you’d like to make music to Glorify His Name!