Women of the Word (WOW)

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14


Women of the Word (WOW) is an organization for all the women in the congregation. WOW organizes many activities in the church such as potlucks, fundraisers, Advent by candlelight, retreats, and day trips.

Any woman who joins the church is automatically enrolled and assigned to a small group, called a Circle which focus on monthly Bible studies and spiritual growth. This is a wonderful way to get to know a few women at a time who are facing or have faced your same struggles and questions. Meetings are the first Tuesday or second Saturday of the month.

Quilters Group


The Quilters share their love of quilt making and donate the quilts to both world missions and locally as needs are identified. Volunteers are needed to cut and sew quilt blocks together to make the tops. The quilters meet every Thursday, from about 9:00am - 2:00pm, during the winter months to tie the quilts that have been sewn together.  

Cradle Roll


Cradle Roll is a program from WOW. All members of South Zumbro’s children are included in the Cradle Roll from birth to age three, when they start Sunday school. Parents will receive packets of information periodically in their child’s first three years. Included in these packets are developmental milestones and tips for parents by the Faith Community Nurse, Baptismal instruction, a spiritual music CD, and Bible Verse CD.  

Funeral Luncheon Committee


It is the goal of the Funeral Luncheon Committee to be of help in time of sorrow by sharing the love of Christ through actions, comfort, and caring. 

Once the date and the time of the funeral is confirmed, our pastor will contact a member of the funeral committee. That member will then contact a family member regarding lunch preferences. Women of the Word (WOW) of South Zumbro will provide bars, pickles, coffee, and lemonade following the funeral service. This will be served by WOW in the Fellowship Hall using a buffet style. A free will donation to WOW for serving the luncheon may be given if the family desires. 

Additional food requested by the family must be catered and purchased by the family. A member of the committee may order the catered food for the family after speaking with the family.

Presently there are five women on the Funeral Luncheon Committee. These women communicate with the family and order food and supplies. They also initiate the procedure for soliciting additional WOW members to assist with furnishing cakes, setting up the dining room, serving the lunch, and clean-up. At least two women from the committee are present at each funeral. The Funeral Luncheon Committee usually meets once a year (or as needed). Funeral workers are welcomed and essential in performing this important service.

Secret Prayer Sister


The Secret Prayer Sister program is sponsored by WOW. It is an opportunity to support the women of South Zumbro in prayer, support, and ultimately get to know others in the congregation. All women of South Zumbro are invited to join the group. The program currently runs April through March of the following year, but women are encouraged and welcome to join in at any time. A special program/WOW meeting is held in April for revealing who the Secret Prayer Sisters had been throughout the previous year.

Connect with your sisters in faith!